F1 2018 starts here: Melbourne Australia
The Gaffer
F1 2018 starts here: Melbourne Australia
Welcome to the start of the GP Gaffer 2018 season, we kick off the season with the opener in Melbourne Australia.
What is there to look out for, well the top 3 teams look closely matched. Mercedes are probably still just ahead but Ferrari and Red Bull are both going to give them a few things to think about. Renault, McLaren and Haas have all taken steps forward, while both Williams and Alfa Sauber look like they have work to do. However with this all in mind, Australia is a high attrition track, with only 13 finishers last year, anyone is in with a shout of descent points.
So if you haven't picked your team, get it in now. If we see that you have missed doing your setup we will give you a lucky pick team, last year one of our top 5 teams overall started the year this way.
Good luck everyone, make sure you have made your final changes by tonight, at 03:00 tomorrow you final setups will be set for the weekend.
See you on the grid,
The Gaffer